Toy Hammer

Designing a Toy Hammer

Designing the Toy Hammer:
I had a really hard time designing the hammer. I couldn't get the edges to join properly and did not hide my extra lines at all. I received a C on this project and probably because I didn't spend enough time on it. this model contained a lot of attention to details. For this project we had to make a lot of layers, so I did that. I had to make sure all the dimensions were correct, so that took a little bit. We first had to create the claw. I used the circle and curve commands to make the claw. Then you extrude this. Then you created the head and revolve it. To add the head to the claw, you use boolean difference. Then we created the slit in the claw. Next I worked on the tang and handle, and then came the hole for the handle. By now I was getting used to the boolean difference command. We didn't have to render this assignment so I didn't. 
What Could I Have Done Better?
I definitely could have worked harder and tried to attempt the project sooner. Due to the fact that I didn't my assignment showed. I couldn't get the handle edges to join for the life of me, but I'm sure that if I went back and attempted again I could make them join. I would have also made sure the layer curves were hidden. 
Aspects of the Project I was Happy With:
I was happy with how my attempt turned out with at least a pretty similar model. I was happy I tried and at least turned something in. I did the claw right so I'm happy with that also.
What Would I do Differently in the Future?
In the future, I would probably take more time to work on the assignment, or ask for more help. I would definitely problem solve better too. I would even email my professor and ask for his help too. I would put my layers in the correct layers also, and make a page for hide so I can hide certain lines.

What did I Learn from the Project?
I learned that even though an assignment can be tough, to still work through it and ask questions. I learned that if you can't figure it out, at least turn something in. I learned how to use layers even more, and how to use boolean difference. 


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